Fripp Island Resort, SC Senior Session// Rosemary

This is a sweet post for me, because my sister is one of my best friends. I just can't get over the fact that my little sister (as in 7 years younger was truly my baby doll growing up) is a SENIOR in high school. Maybe it's partially the acknowledgement that it will be 7 years since I graduated high school when she graduates, but man I feel like I'm holding back tears just typing this. She has become so beautiful inside and out, and is one of the best friends and sister a girl could ask for. So let me tell you about Rosemary, my twin or "mini me" with red hair (oops sorry I'm suppose to say strawberry blond ;) Rosemary is seriously amazing. She is smart, funny, sassy, yet kind, and loves her family and Jesus so well. On top of being in challenging classes in school, she is a swimmer, a musician, and really anything else she sets her mind to be. I always joke when describing Rose to my friends as the sassier version of me, which its true. I wish i could think as fast on my feet as she can, or do really cool Russian accents that have people rolling on the floor laughing.

It's your year Rose. Take a moment to breathe in and out and remember that God has incredible plans for you. I can't wait to see all the things you accomplish, the lives you touch, and the journey God has for you. We are your biggest cheerleaders!! Love you!

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