Tampa Art Museum, Curtis Hixon Senior Session// Elizabeth Doney

Elizabeth is incredible! It was so easy to get to know her while walking in downtown Tampa with her and her girls. Her heart , dreams, goals, and passions are inspiring. We started at the Straz Center, which was super fitting for her personality because she has a true love for theatre. Elizabeth is the Thespian Troupe president at Plant High School as well as president of Youth in Government Club. Then we made our way over to the Tampa Museum of Art, which has some really cool walls and made for the neatest backdrops!! Elizabeth's dream college is Columbia in New York! I can't even wait to see her make her mark on this world!! Here are some of my favorites from her senior session :) 

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Fripp Island Resort, SC Senior Session// Rosemary

This is a sweet post for me, because my sister is one of my best friends. I just can't get over the fact that my little sister (as in 7 years younger was truly my baby doll growing up) is a SENIOR in high school. Maybe it's partially the acknowledgement that it will be 7 years since I graduated high school when she graduates, but man I feel like I'm holding back tears just typing this. She has become so beautiful inside and out, and is one of the best friends and sister a girl could ask for. So let me tell you about Rosemary, my twin or "mini me" with red hair (oops sorry I'm suppose to say strawberry blond ;) Rosemary is seriously amazing. She is smart, funny, sassy, yet kind, and loves her family and Jesus so well. On top of being in challenging classes in school, she is a swimmer, a musician, and really anything else she sets her mind to be. I always joke when describing Rose to my friends as the sassier version of me, which its true. I wish i could think as fast on my feet as she can, or do really cool Russian accents that have people rolling on the floor laughing.

It's your year Rose. Take a moment to breathe in and out and remember that God has incredible plans for you. I can't wait to see all the things you accomplish, the lives you touch, and the journey God has for you. We are your biggest cheerleaders!! Love you!

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Ballast Point Park Tampa, FL Family Session// The Marcus Family

When Hana reached out to me that all of her family would be in town which included 4 generations, I just thought how special this would be to document for them! She wanted to surprise her family with such a thoughtful, meaningful photography session as a gift to them! It was so fun to see how excited everyone was about the "surprise" when I got to Ballast Point Park. They are a family marked with years of laughter, love, and joy! 

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Oxford Exchange, Palmia Ceia Golf Course Senior Session// Carson Collins

When I met Carson for the first time it was as if we had known each other forever! She definitely is such a people person and immediately we clicked! We started off at Oxford Exchange with the beautiful white walls that make her stand out and then moved over to University of Tampa with the classic brick and greenery. We ended in her backyard with lots joy and glitter! So fun!! The whole time we were together talking she was just telling me of all her dreams and plans for after high school. She just recently had been accepted into her dream school Notre Dame, and is ecstatic to be attending there in the fall! Carson, keep shining girl! The Lord has some incredible plans for you! 

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Straub Park Downtown St Petersburg // The Toomey Family

I adored getting to meet the Toomey Family during the rush of the holiday season. Everyone meet Matt, Jess, Erin, and Murphy (their precious lab). We met in St Petersburg in Straub Park. I had never actually been there before but it was such a pretty location and beautiful weather! Miss Erin and I sure did become fast friends as I held a stuffed animal on my head while shooting and was pulling out every trick in the book to make her look at the camera and smile! Hey, anything for the shot right?! 

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Ybor City Wedding // Mr. and Mrs. Lycett

It was an honor to photograph Morgan and Zach's wedding day! It is so obvious how much these two love each other and have such a beautiful heart for the Lord. Some of my favorite moments included the bridesmaids reaction to Morgan's dress (which she had kept a secret until her wedding day!), the way Zach looked at Morgan as she walked down the isle, and the super fun bridal party that totally killed it on the dance floor!

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Clemson, South Carolina//The Parker Family

Man, this family. Where do I start. The Lord sure knew what he was doing when He brought Keri Anne and Will into our lives.  This past year I have photographed their family quite a lot! I started to get a little sentimental thinking that a year ago we were taking their maternity images in the same place! 

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Hyde Park Village and Bayshore Maternity Session: Lauren and Daniel

I have the privilege of working with Lauren at South Tampa Fellowship and it has been such a joy to get to know her! I had always heard about Daniel, but never met him until we met last week at the session. The crazy part though is that I feel like I know Lauren better after I met Daniel. They are perfect for each other in every way...

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Davis Island, Florida: Jessie Wacaser

“I want a life that sizzles and pops and makes me laugh out loud. And I don't want to get to the end, or to tomorrow, even, and realize that my life is a collection of meetings and pop cans and errands and receipts and dirty dishes. I want to eat cold tangerines and sing out loud in the car with the windows open and wear pink shoes and stay up all night laughing and paint my walls the exact color of the sky right now. I want to sleep hard on clean white sheets and throw parties and eat ripe tomatoes and read books so good they make me jump up and down, and I want my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone who loves the gift.”

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